20864 Agrate Brianza (MB)
34132 Trieste
39041 Gossensass
42023 Cadelbosco di Sopra (RE)
63066 Grottamare
70124 Monopoli (BA)
83042 Atripalda
84103 Cava de Tirreni
We have studios all over Europe – Your specialist for hair replacement
Find one of our hair replacement specialists in your region.
You can find out the exact address of your hair integration studio by calling +49 (0) 911 974 923 0 or by emailing info@gfh-hair.de.
- All specialists in Germany
Your specialist in
Or contact us directly:
- Administration
- gfh - Gesellschaft für Haarästhetik
- Heinrich-Stranka-Straße 16
- D-90765 Fürth bei Nürnberg
- Tel.: +49 (0) 911 974 923 0
Do you have any further questions about ContactSkin?
If you do, please contact us at:
- gfh - Gesellschaft für Haarästhetik
- Heinrich-Stranka-Straße 16
- D-90765 Fürth bei Nürnberg
- Tel.: +49 (0) 911 974 923 0
- Send us an e-mail