Do you have any questions?

ContactSkin® is the "invisible" hair replacement system offered by GFH

Provider identification and disclaimer

Transparency and open communication both within and outside GFH go without saying for us at GFH. Important information about GFH and how you can get in contact with us can be found here.

The GFH is a company with limited liability under German law with its headquarters in Fürth, Bavaria.

Managing Director:
Cornelia Hoffmeister-Gizzi

Postal address: :
GFH gesellschaft für Haarästhetik GmbH
Heinrich-Stranka-Straße 16
D - 90765 Fürth

Contact details:
Telephone: 0911 / 974 923-0
Fax: 0911 / 974 923-57
E-Mail: info(at)

GFH mbH is listed in the Fürth commercial register under the no. HRB 4629.

The turnover tax identification number for GFH in accordance with Article 27a of the Turnover Tax Act is: DE 132762421.

Legal Notice

Liability note

Notwithstanding careful inspection of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The owners and operators alone are responsible for the content of any linked pages. GFH cannot accept any guarantee that the web page or web pages which are linked are free of damaging content. Therefore GFH rejects any liability for material and non-material damages caused by negligence, in particular consequential damages, which are caused by using the information made available. [ The management ]

Copyright and Terms of Use

ContactSkin® is a registered trademark of GFH, gesellschaft für haarästhetik mbH, Fürth.

All text, text content, images, trademarks and logos on the website are subject to the sole rights of GFH, gesellschaft für haarästhetik, Fürth and/or other rights holders. Any use and dissemination of images, text, trademarks and logos from any part of the website (in whole or in part) on printed, digital, electronic, telecommunication or visual media, including memory media, is not permitted without the agreement of the rights holder and breaches the legally applicable right of the rights holder and is punishable by fines.

Any possible use, even of individual parts, requires the specific agreement of the above-named rights holder. Violation of the above-mentioned rights will result in prosecution for damages by the rights holder.

Concept, design and realization


We have studios all over Europe – Your specialist for hair replacement

Find one of our hair replacement specialists in your region.

You can find out the exact address of your hair integration studio by calling +49 (0) 911 974 923 0 or by emailing

  • All specialists in Germany
  • Your specialist in

Or contact us directly:

  • Administration
  • gfh - Gesellschaft für Haarästhetik
  • Heinrich-Stranka-Straße 16
  • D-90765 Fürth bei Nürnberg
  • E-Mail

Do you have any further questions about ContactSkin?

If you do, please contact us at: